(+34) 913 244 200




What our managers seek is the preservation of the capital entrusted to us by our clients. We do not limit ourselves to being at the mercy of what the market does, but rather we make non-directional bets in which you win by making a relative bet. 

We only win if our clients win. In other words, a large part of our managers’ assets are invested alongside those of our clients. There is no greater example of reliability and trust than that. We seek the best for the investor and for ourselves with our own capital.




Quadriga’s managers have extensive international experience. With marked trajectories working with the best in New York, London, Frankfurt… in leading banks and management companies and in different areas. The managers present different dynamics in each fund due to their particularities but share concerns for the dynamics of the current markets. They have an unblemished track record in the market, where their professionalism and solvency can be easily proven.

At Quadriga we do not depend on any bank and we always offer the best to our clients without any pressure from management, international or global objectives. We work by and for our investors and our goal is the achievement of the individual objectives set. Each management team is independent and acts differently and with its own methodology and strategy.



Our managers are committed to clear, honest and transparent business. Our investors can rest assured that things are done right and that all control mechanisms are in place to protect their investments. Our managers are well known in the market, where they enjoy an unblemished track record and in fact their professionalism and solvency can be easily contrasted.

The 5 founding partners have more than 20 years of experience in the sector and have a track record in the best banks and asset managers in the world, such as Morgan Stanley, Citi, AB Asesores, Dresdner Bank, Deutsche Bank, CM Capital Markets, Safei, Inversis, Pilkington Plc, Martin Currie Investment Management, Auriga Global Investors, Banco Santander, Chase Manhattan, Merrill Lynch, Auriga Wealth Solutions, CIMD, Activos en Renta or Caja Caminos.



Quadriga is the first asset management company to bring together a selection of the best investment talent in Spain. We are the first Spanish partnership of talented fund managers. Talent is in people, and we are committed to it.

Although each group and each manager has his or her own vision, the team shares ideas and knowledge about the sector and the dynamics that are being implemented. It is very important to share ideas and previous experience, which add up to create value in the company.



At Quadriga we try to generate returns independently. The idea of many of our funds is to generate decorrelated returns, so that when there is a big crisis, we continue to generate value when the rest of the market falls. And that, not just de-correlation but negative correlation, makes absolute value investments very valuable.

Our funds are of the highest creditworthiness. Quadriga only markets funds regulated by the CNMV and/or the CSSF. For individual investors, we exclusively market UCITS regulated funds, the most solvent and secure in the market, and additionally we offer access to Spanish SICAV’s, managed by talented teams with extensive experience in the investment world.


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